The problem of egoism [Introduction to Western Philosophy 26강]
The problem of causation, Hume's inquiry - 1 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 24강]
The problem of causation, Hume's inquiry - 2 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 25강]
What is justice? Plato's republic - 6 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 15강]
What is justice? Plato's republic - 3 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 12강]
Faith and reason, Pascal's wager - 2 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 21강]
What is philosophy? - 1 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 02강]
What is justice? Plato's republic - 2 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 11강]
What is justice? Plato's republic - 7 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 16강]
Is there God? St. Anselm's ontological argument - 3 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 19강]
Faith and reason, Pascal's wager - 1 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 20강]
Is there God? St. Anselm's ontological argument - 1 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 17강]
What is justice? Plato's republic - 5 [Introduction to Western Philosophy 14강]