Samsung_세계화와 재벌 10강
Globalization_세계화와 재벌 1강
Introduction_세계화와 재벌 소개
The Chaebol: Building Transnational Capabilities_세계화와 재벌 13강
Cross Border investments_세계화와 재벌 12강
Social Responsibilities and Future Chanllenges of Chaebol_세계화와 재벌 11강
Industrial Organization of Chaebol_세계화와 재벌 7강
Defining and Determining the Roles of Chaebol_세계화와 재벌 6강
Corporate Strategy and Global Competition: Where do Chaebols stand in the World Economic?_세계화와 재벌 8강
Hyundai_세계화와 재벌 9강
Asia Pacific:From Miracle to Mirage?_세계화와 재벌 3강
Historical Background of South Korea_세계화와 재벌 4강
Transnational Corporation_세계화와 재벌 2강