[MIT스타트업 바이블포럼] MITx's 15,390. 1x Entrepreneurship(Erdin Beshimov)
[ 강의 > 이화특강 ] 2016.06.14
* 주제: MITx's 15,390. 1x Entrepreneurship * 연사 : Erdin Beshimov(MIT Office of Digital Learning)* MIT스타트업 바이블포럼* 일자 : 2015년 10월 15일(목)* 장소 : 이화여자대학교 ...
Engaged Students: Game-Based Learning in the Classroom
[ 강의 > 교외강의 ] 2013.08.07
Hanna Rosin, National Correspondent, The Atlantic, speaks with John Bailey, Executive Director, Digital Learning Now!, Lisa Guernsey, Director, Ear...
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